Resolution 305: Encouraging Donations to Texas Cord Blood Bank


Resolution 305 (A-06)
Subject: Encouraging Donations to Texas Cord Blood Bank
Introduced by: Bexar County Medical Society
Referred to: Reference Committee on Science and Education

Whereas, Texas Cord Blood Bank (TCBB) is a program to establish  a public supply of ethnically diverse, life-saving umbilical cord blood; and

Whereas, The TCBB has been collecting cord blood donations since December 2004; and

Whereas, Texas has designated TCBB as the official public cord blood bank for the state; and

Whereas, Donations of cord blood are collected from uncomplicated newborn deliveries in affiliated hospitals throughout Texas following the birth of a healthy baby; and

Whereas, The location of TCBB's processing and storage facility is at South Texas Blood and Tissue Center headquarters in San Antonio, Texas; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Texas Medical Association encourage families to donate umbilical cord blood collected at all participating hospitals in Texas to the Texas Cord Blood Bank.

Relevant TMA Policy

45.015 Texas Umbilical Cord Blood Bank : State funding should be provided to establish and maintain an umbilical cord blood respository that reflects the ethnic/genetic diversity of Texans at a suitable location in Texas (CM-BTU Rep. 4-A-01).

280.029  Stem Cell Research : The Texas Medical Association (1) supports biomedical research on multipotent stem cells (including embryonic, adult, and cord blood stem cells); (2) supports the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer technology in biomedical research (therapeutic cloning); (3) opposes the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer technology for the specific purpose of producing a human child (reproductive cloning); (4) encourages strong public support of federal funding for research involving human pluripotent stem cells; and (5) will continue to monitor developments in stem cell research and the use of somatic cell nuclear transfer technology (CSA Rep. 3-A-04).


TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

July 06, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010

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