Resolution 105-A-05 – Establishment of Retired Physician Section


CM-M Report 1-A-06
Subject: Resolution 105-A-05 - Establishment of Retired Physician Section
Presented by: William J. Walton, MD, Chair
Referred to: Reference Committee on Financial and Organizational Affairs


Resolution 105-A-05 was referred to the Committee on Membership for report back at A-06. The resolution asks TMA to establish a Retired Physician Section similar to other TMA sections with representation in the House of Delegates.

Costs to establish this section would average about $19,800 for meeting and programming expenses. This figure does not include personnel expenses.

TMA staff queried other state medical associations about their retired physician groups and reduced dues offerings. Most states do not charge dues for retired physicians provided they meet certain requirements that may include being fully retired from practice, and/or having been a member for a certain number of years. However, many of the states offer retired physicians the option to pay a minimal fee to continue receiving publications. The majority of the states did not have a retired physician section. In Texas, retired status may be granted to physicians who have retired from the active practice of medicine and pay no dues. However, retired physicians can be returned to active status, pay active dues and continue to have all rights and privileges of membership, including the right to vote and hold elective office, provided they still have an active Texas medical license.

A review of TMA retired physician historical trends showed that approximately 10 percent of TMA members are retired physicians. Over time, the retired physician population of TMA membership has remained at approximately 10 percent of total membership. Likewise, the total number of new members in TMA has remained somewhat constant. The average age at which TMA is notified of retirement or life status is 66. The average age of death or death notification is 74. Therefore, TMA has historically provided an average of eight years of service to retired members. Many members are choosing to work past the age of retirement. As a result, the dues impact should be minimal except for a slight upward trend once the "baby boomers" hit retirement age provided all things remain constant. 

The committee agreed after months of research and discussion that there are definite opportunities for TMA to ensure that the needs of retired physician member issues are being heard, addressed, and communicated. While retired physicians desire to meet with their peers through social events is being addressed through successful county medical society programs, their desire for a cohesive voice and representation at the state level is lacking. Additionally, there appears to be a need for a mechanism for retired physicians to communicate with their peers throughout the state and for their issues to be shared with one another.

The committee is supportive of the concept of developing a retired physician section, however the committee feels it would be wise to start with a forum and a plan to eventually build to a section, should it be self-sustaining and level of interest and support in the task force warrant such a move. 

The Committee on Membership concludes that establishment of a retired physician section is not feasible at this time. The potential expense and lack of evidence that the majority of retired physician members would participate and support a retired physician section is inconclusive. The committee believes it would benefit TMA greatly to develop messaging to communicate and recognize the importance of retired physician issues and involvement in organized medicine and to focus on meeting their specific needs. Additionally, the committee feels there is a need to evaluate increased opportunities for involvement and representation for retired physician members. The committee recommends that specific communication vehicles, a dedicated Web page, and a designated point of contact for retired physicians be developed.

Recommendation : That, in lieu of Resolution 105-A-05 Establishment of Retired Physician Section (A-05), a forum for retired physicians be established by the Committee on Membership.



TMA House of Delegates: TexMed 2006

Last Updated On

June 24, 2010

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010