Professional Liability: Medical Malpractice

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Journal Articles

Agro AS. A primer on medical economics. Chapter 5: math survival skills .  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):7-8.

American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons Join Fray In Med/Mal Crisis; Patients Seen As Major Victims .  Insurance Advocate, 2/10/2003,  Vol. 114,  Issue 6.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Analysis: Cause of rises in medical malpractice insurance rates.   All Things Considered (NPR), FEB 05, 2003.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Analysis: Medical malpractice insurance crisis , Talk of the Nation (NPR), JAN 09, 2003. Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Anti-Abortion Activists Fight Medical-Malpractice Lawsuit Caps .  Houston Chronicle, Feb 26, 2003.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Becker C. A new incarnation. N.J. malpractice insurer to become 'reciprocal' firm.  Mod Healthc. 2002 May 13;32(19):28.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Becker C. Deja vu all over again. N.J. malpractice insurer under fire after huge loss.   Mod Healthc. 2002 Mar 11;32(10):26.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Beller JJ. The case for Tort Reform . J Okla State Med Assoc. 2002 Dec;95(12):786.

Borges W. California dreamin. Liability reform .  Tex Med. 2002 Oct;98(10):24-9.  Click  here  for full-text of a Texas Medicine  article available to TMA members.

Borges W. Living in fear.Physicians face mounting liability insurance crisis. Tex Med. 2002 May;98(5):34-40.  Click  here  for full-text of a Texas Medicine  article available to TMA members.

Brostoff  S. Insurers Cheer Bush Med-Mal Goals . National Underwriter / Property & Casualty Risk & Benefits,  2/3/2003,  Vol. 107,  Issue 5.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Cantor RE. Does someone have to die?  N J Med. 2002 Dec;99(12):41-2.

Ceniceros R.  Abuse claims seek to bypass med mal caps .  Business Insurance. 2003 Jan 6; 7(1):1. Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Ceniceros R.  Malpractice reform heats up . Business Insurance, 1/27/2003,  Vol. 37,  Issue 4. Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Corlin R. Liable to be at risk. Absent tort reform, doctors, patients face fallout from malpractice verdicts.   Mod Healthc. 2002 Jun 10;32(23):26.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Costante PA. Restoring stability to the professional medical liability market.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):13-5.

Critics Seek Lower Limits on Texas Medical-Malpractice Awards , Houston Chronicle, Jan 02, 2003.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Davis DM, Old JR Jr. Captive law firms.  Tex Med. 2002 May;98(5):42-4.

Epstein NE. It is easier to confuse a jury than convince a judge: the crisis in medical malpractice .  Spine. 2002 Nov 15;27(22):2425-30.  Click here for abstract available on PubMed.

Farrell K. Medical liability claims frequency and severity on the rise.  Mich Med. 2002 Mar-Apr;101(2):43-4.

Freedman A, Cassata D. Attack on Cost of Malpractice Insurance Finds a Hands-On Advocate in Frist .  CQ Weekly, 1/18/2003, Vol. 61, Issue 3.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Freedman M.  The Tort Mess .  Forbes, 5/13/2002, Vol. 169 Issue 11, p90, 5p, 4 graphs, 3c. Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Ganske G. We need tort reform .  Iowa Med. 2002.

Gerkin DG. The continuing crisis.  Tenn Med. 2002 Mar;95(3):87-9.

Greve PA Jr. Anticipating and controlling rising malpractice insurance costs .  Healthc Financ Manage. 2002 May;56(5):50-5.  Click here for abstract available on PubMed.

Guglielmo WJ. A presidential boost for tort reform .  Med Econ. 2002 Sep 9;79(17):65-6.

Guglielmo WJ. Will the states cook up a health care fix? Faced with budget gaps, a Medicaid squeeze, and ballooning liability premiums, state lawmakers struggle to do more with less.  Med Econ. 2002 Jun 12;79(13):38-40, 43.

Hasson J. Another crisis in physicians' liability insurance .  Conn Med. 2002 Sep;66(9):545-7.

Haugh R. Insurance. California, here we come .  Hosp Health Netw. 2002 Oct;76(10):16, 18, 4. Click here for abstract available on PubMed. 

Hillman J.  Medical-Liability Rates Increase .  Best's Review.  2003 Jan; 103(9):24. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Hyman DA.  Medical Malpractice and the Tort System:What Do We Know and What (If Anything) Should We Do About It?   Texas Law Review, Jun2002, Vol. 80 Issue 7, p1639, 17p.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Illinois Doctors Propose Pre-Treatment Agreements to Limit Lawsuit Awards , St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Feb 27, 2003. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Insurers Should Be Prepared To Compromise On Med Mal Reform ., National Underwriter / Property & Casualty Risk & Benefits, 10426841, 2/10/2003,  Vol. 107,  Issue 6.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Is Tort Reform The Cure For What Ails Med Mal Insurers?   National Underwriter / Property & Casualty Risk & Benefits, 1/27/2003, Vol. 107, Issue 4. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Johnson LJ. When an insurer won't renew your policy.  Med Econ. 2002 Apr 12;79(7):148.

Kendall JR. Casualties of war. Patients are biggest victims in era of malpractice.  J Ark Med Soc. 2002 Jun;98(12):399.

Knowlton NP 3rd. Malpractice crises.  Mo Med. 2002 Mar;99(3):111-2.

Kohn C, Henderson CW.  Nation's obstetrical care endangered by growing liability insurance crisis.   Women's Health Weekly, 6/6/2002, p12, 2p.

Lincoln E.  Medical malpractice insurance. Another crisis brewing?  Minn Med. 2002 Apr;85(4):44-5.

Lowes R. Malpractice crisis? Not here!  Med Econ. 2002 Jun 12;79(13):86-90, 94, 96.

Lucas JF 3rd. Talking to patients about tort reform--Part I .  J Miss State Med Assoc. 2002 Jul;43(7):230-1.

Malpractice Insurance Crisis Could Limit Care . Chicago Tribune, Jan 03, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Malpractice Insurance Is Affecting Care, Survey Finds . Managed Care Outlook. 1/17/2003,  Vol. 16,  Issue 3.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Maressa VA. Medical malpractice insurance 2002.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):11-2.

Martin T, Bade D. Professional liability insurance rates--some history & solutions .  Mo Med. 2002 Nov-Dec;99(10):532-4.  Click  here for abstract available on PubMed.

Matheussen JJ. The medical malpractice insurance crisis.  N J Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;99(7-8):24-5.

Med Mal Reform Likely To Mean Compromise On Insurers' Part .  National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services, 08938202, 2/17/2003,  Vol. 107,  Issue 7.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Medical Liability Task Force. Findings and recommendations.   N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):17.

Medical-Malpractice Insurance Costs Drive Specialists Out of Texas County, The Beaumont Enterprise (Beaumont, TX), Jan 03, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

The Medical Malpractice Mess . National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services, 1/27/2003,  Vol. 107,  Issue 4. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Mello MM, Brennan TA.  Deterrence of Medical Errors: Theory and Evidence for Malpractice Reform.   Texas Law Review, Jun2002, Vol. 80 Issue 7, p1595, 43p. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

More states move to curtail tort access , Broward Daily Business Review, FEB 14, 2003,  Vol. 44,  Issue 47.

Mounting malpractice. Hospitals struggle to meet doubling, tripling insurancerates .  Mod Healthc. 2002 Jul 1;32(26):22-3.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

New 30-State Analysis By AMA Shows Medical Liability At Crisis Stage In 12; Doctors Leaving Communities .  Insurance Advocate, 06/24/2002, Vol. 113 Issue 24, p11, 2p. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Ob-Gyns support president's call for medical liability reform . Women's Health Weekly, 2/6/2003.  Click  here  for full-text available to TMA members.

Oblath RW. The Titanic revisited: professional liability and access to care .  J Vasc Surg. 2002 Sep;36(3):642-3.

Parties' Different Approaches To Medical Liability Crisis Make Quick Fix Unlikely ., CQ Weekly, 15215997, 2/8/2003,  Vol. 61,  Issue 6.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Pennachio DL. "The lawyers are running amok."  Med Econ. 2002 Aug 9;79(15):60-1.

Pennachio DL. Why Dr. Kooyer had to move .  Med Econ. 2002 Dec 23;79(24):42, 47-8.

President Calls for Medical Liability Reform , FDCH Regulatory Intelligence Database, Jan 16, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Proposed Legislation in Texas Would Limit Medical Liability Lawsuits , The Dallas Morning News, Feb 03, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Queenan JT. Professional liability: our role and responsibility. Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Aug;100(2):217-8.

Rice B. Does tort reform protect groups, too?  Med Econ. 2002 Dec 9;79(23):62.

Rice B. How a malpractice insurer grew too big & too fast .  Med Econ. 2002 Sep 23;79(18):60-2, 68-70.

Rice B. Malpractice premiums; soaring again .  Med Econ. 2002 Dec 9;79(23):51-2.

Rice B. Malpractice: why you may be forced to settle .  Med Econ. 2002 Feb 22;79(4):20-2, 25.

Rivera PV.  Texas Insurance Agency Releases Medical Malpractice Policy Guidelines.   Dallas Morning News, 06/29/2002. Click here for full-text available for TMA members.

Roberts RG. Understanding the physician liability insurance crisis .  Fam Pract Manag. 2002 Oct;9(9):47-51.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Rohack J. The AMA view .nbsp; Tex Med. 2002 Oct;98(10):9-10.

Romano M. Malpractice worries spread .  Modern Healthcare. 2003 Jan 3; 33(2):14. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Romano M. N.J. docs set to launch walkout over escalating premium costs. Bush offers Rx for malpractice insurance crisis, including $250,000 limit on noneconomic damages .  Mod Healthc. 2003 Jan 20;33(3):10.   Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Romano M. Not so peachy in Georgia. Climbing liability insurance premiums threaten to close more hospitals . Mod Healthc. 2002 Apr 1;32(13):14-5.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Romano M. West Virginia docs walk off the job in malpractice dispute. Protest on New Year's Day shows rising frustration with high cost of malpractice insurancecoverage . Mod Healthc. 2003 Jan 6;33(1):8-10.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members.

Rovner J.  House To Tackle Medical Malpractice Issue Yet Again .  CongressDaily, 6/12/2002, p4, 2p.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Schlegel D.  Texas Doctors, Insurers Ask for Medical-Malpractice Reform .  Houston Chronicle, 08/03/2002. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Spector RA. Absence of physician recourse in malpractice litigation--malicious prosecution.  J La State Med Soc. 2002 Mar-Apr;154(2):76-7.

Spicer J. Professional liability insurance. I. A historical perspective.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):19-22.

Spicer J. Medical professional liability insurance 2002. VI. Are we entering another crisis?  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):47-9.

Spicer J. Professional liability insurance. II. The legal environment.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):23-8.

Spicer J. Professional liability insurance. III. The clinical environment.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):29-34.

Spicer J. Professional liability insurance. IV. Evaluating professional liability carriers.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):35-9.

Spicer J. Professional liability insurance. V. The future of medicine.  N J Med. 2002 Apr;99(4 Suppl):41-6.

Stamberg S.  Analysis: California's medical malpractice premiums some of the lowest in the country .  All Things Considered (NPR), 08/02/2002.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Stephenson LL. Medical malpractice insurance--is a crisis brewing?  Iowa Med. 2002 Jul-Aug;92(4):16-8.

Surviving the Medical Malpractice Crisis.  Healthcare Executive,  Mar/Apr2003,  Vol. 18,  Issue 2. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Taylor M. Cashing in on a crisis. The malpractice liability insurance crunch has proved to be a boon for temporary physician-staffing firms. But even those doctors aren't immune from the pain of rising premiums.  Mod Healthc. 2002 Jun 10;32(23):30-2.  Click here for full-text available to TMA members. 

Texas Legislature Considers Medical Malpractice Reform , San Antonio Express-News, Feb 13, 2003. Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Texas Lobbying Groups Prepare to Battle Over Malpractice Awards , San Antonio Express-News, Jan 12, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Tolman R K. Texas malpractice ., Fort Worth Business Press, 1/24/2003,  Vol. 16,  Issue 4.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Tough Call:  Is This the New Medical Malpractice Crisis? , CNNfn, Market Call (CNNfn), Feb 03, 2003.

U.S. Legislators Propose Medical Malpractice Reform Bill , Savannah Morning News, Feb 25, 2003.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Volpintesta E. A physician's testimony before the Public Health Committee in support of house bill 5688--state of Connecticut. March 12, 2002.  Conn Med. 2002 Apr;66(4):227-8.

Weber DO. Malpractice insurance rates reach boiling point. Physicians burned by lawyers, lawsuits and jury awards .  Physician Exec. 2002 Mar-Apr;28(2):12-4.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Winston, P. A med mal cure tops symptomatic relief .  Business Insurance, 1/20/2003, Vol. 37,  Issue 3.  Click  here for full-text available to TMA members.

Ziegenfuss JT Jr. Medical malpractice and quality: an interconnected problem.  Am J Med Qual. 2002 May-Jun;17(3):83-5.

Zinberg S, Hale RW. A guest editorial: professional liability 2002: res ipsa loquitor.  Obstet Gynecol Surv. 2002 May;57(5):261-3.

Ziskin LZ. New Jersey Medicine's story of the year 2002. The professional liability insurance crisis .  N J Med. 2002 Dec;99(12):13-8. 

Internet Sites

The TMA Web site  has information on the medical liability crisis and links to related Web sites: 

American Medical Association Medical Liability Reform    

American Tort Reform Association  includes information on medical liability issues.

Health Coalition on Liability and Access  is a group of medical organizations dedicated to rescuing the nation's health care system from an out-of-control legal system that is severely damaging the delivery of health care and hurting patients.  This Web site contains factsheets, news, testimony, studies, and surveys related to the medical liability crisis.

The Physician Insurers Association of America supports a Web site with a PDF of PIAA's congressional testimony in support of H.R. 4600, the HEALTH Act of 2002, as well as news, statements, and other information related to the liability crisis.  Some sections of this site are accessible only to members of PIAA.

Texas Alliance for Patient Access (TAPA)  represents a broad-based coalition of health care providers, consumer groups, professional associations and insurance carriers. The sole purpose of this non-profit organization is to address patient access to health care in Texas through medical liability reform. TAPA plans to conduct extensive research on what factors are driving up health care costs and restricting patient access. TAPA will also develop legislative solutions and ask the Texas Legislature to consider these changes during its next legislative session in 2003. Mission Statement: To bring together organizations representing physicians, hospitals, medical clinics, medical liability insurance carriers, health insurance carriers, business and other health care providers and institutions to reform Texas' medical liability system.

Texas Medical Liability Trust (TMLT)  has a physician advocacy Web page with extensive information about the medical liability crisis and possible solutions, along with links to Texas organizations and resources.

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Last Updated On

December 23, 2014

Originally Published On

March 23, 2010

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