Member Services: HR Help

  • Employee Handbook for Medical Practices

    This complete handbook takes the guesswork out of creating employment policies for your practice. Customize and use it as a training guide for new hires and to help manage your staff fairly and ethically.

    Free for Members

    Nonphysician Practitioners, Fourth Edition

    This publication provides information about the qualifications; supervision requirements; and practical aspects of contracting, credentialing, and billing for nonphysician practitioners.

    Read the Publication
  • Free Guide to Hiring a Practice Manager

    Hiring the right manager for your practice can determine future practice success. TMA’s practical, easy-to-use guide covers important considerations for hiring the best practice manager.

    Download the Guide

    Delegation of Duties Resources

    TMA has a number of tools to help physicians effectively and properly manage nonphysician practitioners (NPPs) including the Delegation of Duties by a Physician legal whitepaper.

    Tools for Physicians
  • TMA is helping to strengthen your practice by offering personal advice and creating a climate of medical success across the state.

  • What could a TMA membership mean for you, your practice, and your patients?