We Will Not Tolerate Any Discrimination
By David C. Fleeger, MD, TMA President

It has come to my attention that some of our Asian and Asian-American physician members are under increased scrutiny, questioning, and perhaps even bullying over the past few weeks. I trust that these acts are few in number, but even one instance of such behavior is unacceptable … and angers me.

Fleeger_MugI want to be clear to our members and to all those who interact with our members: The Texas Medical Association will not tolerate any discrimination based on race, or national or ethnic origin (or for that matter based on religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity) by or toward our members. We, as an association and as a profession, advocate for a diverse physician workforce that is sensitive to the needs of all our patients. These are not abstract ethical concepts that we espouse, but rather everyday, rubber-meets-the-road actions that we as physicians must practice continuously. We walk the walk. We talk the talk. We expect everyone to do the same.

For those who feel they have been the victim of or are aware of discriminatory acts, I recommend reporting them. Most hospitals or employers have policies addressing where to forward these complaints. Should you feel a TMA member has acted inappropriately, a complaint can be made to the member’s county medical society board of censors or the TMA Board of Councilors. The TMA Knowledge Center (at (800) 880-7955) can help members find the most appropriate county medical society or other entity for vetting a complaint.

We are in the midst of trying times. Fear, misinformation, and confusion are widespread. As physicians, we must use our science and reason to guide us, our patients, and the public. At no time in our careers has it been more important for us to come together as a single community. I will not let the actions and attitudes of a few diminish the dedication and sacrifice of the many.

Be calm, be kind, and prepare.

Last Updated On

April 06, 2020

Originally Published On

April 06, 2020

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