Help Your Medicare Patients Keep Their Favorite Doctor (You)
By Ellen Terry



Medicare’s open enrollment runs through Dec. 7, and some of your patients might be evaluating their plan options. 

Some might be shopping for a different Medicare Advantage plan or enrolling in Medicare Advantage rather than traditional Medicare. Do they know what plans you take?

Your patients most likely don’t want to lose you as their doctor, so make sure they know the plans in which you participate. For example, post a list on your website, and keep copies to use as a handout if patients ask.

Then, starting Jan. 1, have your staff ask all your Medicare enrollees if they have new health insurance coverage. Also, some Medicare patients may have switched drug plans, which could affect quantity limits or other aspects of their current prescriptions. 

It is a good idea to ask all patients about possible changes to their insurance coverage starting in the new year — not just plan provider but also deductible, copays, and the like.

You can find more information and resources to help you and your patients manage Medicare on the Texas Medical Association’s website.


Last Updated On

November 28, 2018

Originally Published On

November 28, 2018

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