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TMA Women Physicians Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA woman physician section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

TMA International Medical Graduate Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA international medical graduate section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

TMA Young Physician Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA young physician section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

TMA Resident and Fellow Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA resident and fellow section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

TMA Medical Student Section GroupMe - 01/08/2025

Join the Group! This is an opportunity for TMA medical student section members to converse informally, collaborate, and exchange information.

Write a TMA-MSS Supported Resolution - 12/05/2024

To submit a resolution to the TMA House of Delegates that has support of the entire section please review the following links.

RFS Executive Council - 11/04/2024

Resident and Fellow Section Executive Council

International Medical Graduate Outstanding Physician Award - 11/04/2024

Do you know any physicians who graduated from medical school outside of the United States and have provided outstanding service within their community? Nominate them for the Texas Medical Association International Medical Graduate Section’s inaugural IMG Section Outstanding Physician Award. 

Student of the Year Award - 11/04/2024

At TexMed 1998, TMA-MSS established the Outstanding Student on the Year award.  This award is given annually to the Texas Medical Student exemplifying outstanding service to the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section. Any medical student (except current TMA-MSS Executive Council members) is eligible to receive this award.

May Owen, MD, Outreach Program - 10/04/2024

The May Owen, MD, Outreach Program is a grant program of the TMA Women Physicians Section (TMA WPS) that provides funding to bring female physician oriented programs and activities to small and mid-sized county medical societies.  

TMA Resources: Understanding Insurance and Policy in Health Care - 08/09/2024

TMA resources to help students improve readiness for understanding the role of insurance and policy in health care.

J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award - 05/14/2024

Read about the history and winners of the J.T. “Lamar” McNew Award.

IMG Executive Council - 05/14/2024

IMG Governing Council

TMA Member Sections’ Elections - 03/06/2024

We are proud to introduce incoming executive council members for each member section. Their terms begin at the conclusion of TexMed 2024. Learn more about the council members.

Opening Doors: Texas’ Newest Medical Schools Founded to Improve Care for Underserved Patients - 10/03/2023

Texas’ three newest medical schools were founded with a mission to improve care for underserved patients, especially in East Texas.

Apply For a TMA Student Leadership Position Today - 07/20/2023

When you think about your future as a physician, do you see yourself not only treating patients, but also shaping state and national health policy or being involved in medical leadership? If you answered yes, get started on that future by serving on the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section (MSS) Executive Council, which directs the activities of the section at the state level.

TMA Offers Curriculum Toolbox to Inspire Future Physicians - 07/20/2023

The Texas Medical Association’s Subcommittee for Academic Physicians has produced a curriculum toolbox that medical schools and residency programs can use to develop electives on topics such as leadership, advocacy, and health policy.

Is Your Student Chapter Serving the Community? Get Recognized - 07/20/2023

If your student chapter organized a project that benefitted the community, such as a Hard Hats for Little Heads event or a Hurricane Harvey cleanup day, get recognized for that work with a Chapter Service Project of the Year award.

Chapter Service Award - 07/19/2023

This award is given annually to the Texas Medical Association Medical Student Section Chapter that demonstrates outstanding volunteer service to their local community which will in turn create visibility and encourage engagement within the section.

Students, Residents, Fellows: Apply for Special Interest Section Positions - 03/27/2023

Applications are due Saturday, April 15, for several leadership positions within the Medical Student Section (TMA-MSS) or Resident and Fellow Section (TMA-RFS).

Financial Stress During Residency? TMA Low-Interest Loans Can Help - 03/15/2023

“Professional and fast.” That’s how one Texas resident physician described the application process for a low-interest loan from the Texas Medical Association, which bridged the gap before he received his first paycheck during residency.

The Next-Gen Practice: How Millennials Are Transforming Medicine - 10/05/2022

Millennials, now the largest living adult generation in the U.S., are searching for on-demand care, transparent pricing, and more supportive workplaces, providing the impetus for new practice models and for existing practices to adapt.

Young Physician Section Member Highlight: Emma Dishner, MD, MPH - 10/04/2022

Find out about Young Physician Section member, Emma Dishner, MD, MPH.

TMA Board, Council, and Committee Nominations - 09/22/2022

2022-2023 Resident Fellow Section Representatives

Strength in Numbers: Women Physicians Seek to Change the Culture of Medicine - 09/22/2022

In Texas, women accounted for 36% of active physicians as of September, just under the national rate of 37% and more than double their share 25 years ago. They now outnumber men among Texas medical school enrollees, suggesting they may account for most of the physician workforce in future decades.