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Bills Threaten Medical Liability Reforms - 11/18/2024

At least two bills have the Texas Medical Association on notice for threats that aim to weaken Texas’ landmark 2003 medical liability reforms meant to protect access to care and patient safety.

High Court Decision in Nondisclosure Case A Win For Medicine - 07/31/2024

The Texas Supreme Court sided with the Texas Medical Association in a nondisclosure case that TMA warned would have significant, troubling implications had it gone the wrong way.

Court Considers Attack on Noneconomic Damages Cap - 07/18/2024

The bedrock of the medicine-backed 2003 tort reform legislation in Texas was a $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages in medical negligence lawsuits, a balance that the Texas Medical Association helped lawmakers strike between compensating injured patients and keeping physicians out of bankruptcy.

Changing History: How TMA Has Influenced the Course of Texas Medicine - 06/04/2024

From ushering in significant legislative reforms and responding to emergencies to expanding its own operations and solving seemingly intractable problems, TMA has played an active role in Texas and national medical history over the past 50 years.

Living Legacy: TMA Archive Preserves Medicine's Past - 06/04/2024

TMA’s archive is vital resource for member physicians, medical historians, genealogists, and educators as well as TMA boards, councils, and committees, which lean on documented precedent when crafting internal policy.

The Knowledge Center Turns 20: Answering Physicians' Questions and Stewarding Medical History - 04/09/2024

The Texas Medical Association Knowledge Center helps physicians navigate daily challenges, and stewards an archive of Texas medical history.

Access to Care Improves After 20 Years of Medical Liability Reform - 09/13/2023

This week marks two decades since Texas voters approved a constitutional amendment to stop what some physicians and patients called a crisis situation. They say the effort ensured patients have greater access to doctors’ care.

TMA’s Banner Exhibits Take Medical History on the Road - 08/23/2023

The Texas Medical Association’s sesquicentennial in 2003 gave TMA and its physicians plenty of reason to celebrate. One hundred and fifty years of helping patients is a great accomplishment, and to commemorate it, the board-appointed History of Medicine Committee installed new exhibits in its Austin gallery, illustrating the history of medical education in Texas, the triumph of underrepresented groups in medicine, and the story of TMA itself.

The History of Medicine Gallery Brings Physicians’ Triumphs to the Public - 08/22/2023

In 1989, with a new Texas Medical Association headquarters set to open in Austin, the newly reformed, board-appointed History of Medicine Committee had a vision. With rare and novel artifacts in TMA’s archive, and a long and storied history of success to tell, the committee planned for a gallery museum to be installed on the building’s first floor.

TMA Archive Brings Medicine’s Past Into the Future - 08/21/2023

Over a hundred years ago, the Texas Medical Association’s 35th president Frank Paschal, MD, of San Antonio, had eyes on the future. In his 1904 presidential address, he told the House of Delegates, “The labors of this Association should always be conserved, and unless steps are taken, the past work will be lost forever.”

Where Does Immunity for Government-Employed Physicians End? - 07/17/2023

The Texas Medical Association is fighting to ensure the Texas Supreme Court does not disrupt liability protections for physicians who are employed by a state medical school or other government entity.

Physician-Led Results: Medical Liability Reforms - 06/20/2023

TMA beat back bills threatening to widen physicians’ liability exposure, while strengthening the Texas Medical Board, which plays a critical role in both the oversight and licensure of physicians.

Victory! Congress Finally Repeals Flawed Medicare SGR Formula - 05/02/2022

Statement of TMA President Austin I. King, MD, on the U.S. Senate vote to approve HR 2, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, which finally repealed the Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula. 

Off-Label COVID Vaccines Can Expose Physicians to Liability - 09/20/2021

The Biden administration’s plan to make booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines available as soon as Sept. 20 – which came and went on Monday without that availability – has raised questions among physicians about liability for giving the extra shots before they are fully approved.

Federal Law Offers Physicians COVID-19 Liability Protections - 09/03/2021

While the Texas Legislature passed stronger liability protections in Senate Bill 6, giving physicians breathing room to respond to a pandemic emergency, federal liability protections installed since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic also give doctors some latitude and peace of mind – specifically, around COVID-19 testing, drug treatment, and vaccinations.

The Handbook of Texas Medicine - 07/22/2021

As a Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) special project, the Handbook of Texas Medicine will add 400 new entries featuring a broad array of topics, as well as revise several hundred existing entries. New Handbook entries will promote a greater understanding of the past while providing valuable context for present-day issues and crises. Upon completion, the Handbook of Texas Medicine will become the first state-based online medical encyclopedia in the U.S. TSHA is honored to collaborate in this endeavor with two venerable institutions: the Texas Medical Association and The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).

Case Tests Liability Reform Meant to Curb Multiple Awards - 07/07/2021

A liability reform that prevents patients from tacking family members’ settlements onto jury awards stemming from the same case faces a court challenge, and the Texas Medical Association is weighing in to protect it.

Ruling Could Promote Frivolous Lawsuits, TMA Tells Texas Supreme Court - 06/13/2021

A recent appeals court decision could weaken a key piece of Texas’ 2003 medical liability reforms meant to cut frivolous lawsuits off at the head. In a friend-of-the-court brief filed last week, TMA and Texas Alliance for Patient Access (TAPA) tell the Texas Supreme Court that the law narrowly limits the amount of discovery – the exchange of information in a court case – before the person suing must produce an expert report. And there’s good reason for that, the groups say.  

Shelter in a Storm: Liability Legislation Would Protect Physicians in Disaster - 04/01/2021

The Texas Alliance for Patient Access (TAPA) announced in early March that Sen. Kelly Hancock (R-North Richland Hills) and Rep. Jeff Leach (R-Plano) would soon file COVID-19 liability legislation that would enhance liability protections to shield more physicians from lawsuits for care delivered during pandemics, hurricanes, and other catastrophic events that inject chaos into their good-faith medical efforts.

Take Your Leadership Skills Even Higher With CME From TMA - 03/12/2021

The Texas Medical Association is here to help you be an even more effective leader through variety of on-demand webinars, podcasts, and online courses, all available in the Texas Medical Association Education Center.

Preserving Medical Liability Protections - 02/05/2021

Preserving Texas physicians’ liability protections is critical to providing access to health care.

Desegregating Medicine: Edith Irby Jones, MD, Broke Barriers in All-White Medical Schools in the South - 03/31/2020

 Houston internist Edith Irby Jones, MD, broke barriers in all-white medical schools in the South and in her hometown of Houston. She died at age 91.

Iron Lung Among Items Added To TMA’s Archives - 11/20/2019

In the fall of this year, Seton Family of Hospitals, of which Dell Children’s is a member, donated their materials to the Robert G. Mickey History of Medicine Gallery at the Texas Medical Association Louis J. Goodman Building in Austin. Some of the more notable standouts include a cadaver skeleton, nurse and vintage candy striper uniforms, and an iron lung.

One Giant Step for Physicians: A Texas Physician’s Role in Space-Race Medicine - 08/02/2019

This summer marks the 50th anniversary of America’s Apollo 11 Lunar Mission – the first time humans set foot on the moon. Across the world, the event was heralded as a milestone of scientific achievement, and its three-man crew – Neil Armstrong, Col. Buzz Aldrin, and Lt. Col. Michael Collins – became American heroes. Laboring behind the scenes were swarms of unsung individuals whose expertise made the enterprise possible, including Texas cardiologist Lawrence E. Lamb, MD. His 2006 memoir Inside the Space Race: A Space Surgeon’s Diary remains a vivid account of the essential role physicians played in the race to reach the moon.  

TMA Archives Photoshoot: A Look Back in Time(lapse) - 06/18/2019

Go behind the scenes as photographer Matt Lemke shoots some of the most interesting medical memorabilia in the Texas Medical Association archives and History of Medicine collection – everything from 15th century anatomical illustrations to Civil War postmortem dissection kits.