Interview Candidates the Smart Way

When interviewing candidates for your practice staff, it's a good idea to work from prepared questions so you can ask the same questions of all interviewees. This helps ensure you are comparing all candidates equally in how they answer questions or would handle the same situation.

Don't write on your only copy of a résumé. Use a separate sheet of paper for notes, and paperclip  rather than staple  them to the résumé. That way, if a discrimination case arises, you can keep your notes separate from the résumé.

TMA Practice Consulting offers these examples of interview questions:

  • While working for Dr. X, what were your job duties?
  • Please describe your operating style in the workplace. (This helps determine whether a candidate's style is a cultural fit for your practice.)
  • Tell me about a typical day in your current (or most recent) job. Begin with when you arrive.
  • What things were most frustrating in your position, and how did you handle them?
  • Did you ever have conflicts with other staff or physicians in the practice? How did you resolve them?

Careful employee recruitment, training, and retention are vital for smooth practice operations and good customer service. If you need help recruiting qualified candidates to meet your practice's needs, TMA can help.

Contact TMA Practice Consulting today to request a staff recruitment proposal for your practice at (800) 523-8776 or email[at]texmed[dot]org.

TMA Practice E-Tips main page

Last Updated On

September 08, 2021

Originally Published On

July 27, 2015

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