DocbookMD Connects Texas Physicians in More Ways Than Ever

DocbookMD has branched out to support physicians like never before.

The free, secure, HIPAA-compliant communications app has always offered features that connect physicians and help coordinate care. These features include the ability to send messages that contain protected patient information, as well as x-rays, EKGs, and other images, directly to another physician.

The introduction of the CareTeam feature in 2013 allows physicians using DocbookMD to invite nonphysician members of their care team and office staff to join their circle of communication within the app. For the first time, a physician can reach out to a colleague, have an instant cross-town consult, and secure an appointment time with his front office staff without ever leaving the point of care with a patient.

DocbookMD also now serves as a one-stop location for all forms of communication for many physicians across the state. Recent partnerships with answering services MedLink and MSB and with Austin Radiological Association allow physicians to receive their pages and STAT reports, such as x-rays and scans, directly on their mobile device with a unique ringtone, saving precious time when caring for urgent patient needs.

DocbookMD is an exclusive member benefit, available for free in Texas only to TMA members. Across the country, more than 23,000 physicians in 39 states use the app, further connecting the community of medicine.

Download DocbookMD from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Action, Feb. 18, 2014

Last Updated On

May 12, 2020

Originally Published On

February 14, 2014

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